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At the meeting with followers via Zoom in February 2022, we decided to organize live events. The initiator of the idea was Romuald Kiswendsida Zongo from Burkina Faso.

The idea is to bring together individuals and organizations interested in working in the field of circularity in the built environment. ICCCtalk is therefore a good opportunity to network, learn from each other and plan further activities at the local level.

We are happy to announce our first live event, ICCCtalk_Burkina_Faso_2022, organized by Romuald Kiswendsida Zongo, in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.

ICCCtalk_Burkina_Faso_2022 will take place from 3 to 6 October 2022 and will be co-organized by Future #Réseau_Burkinabépour_une_Economie_Circular(RBEC).

The event will bring together experts from the construction and environmental sectors, such as the Order of Architects, the Order of Engineers, the Order of Town Planners, the Order of Surveyors, SMEs, researchers, students, media and promoters of circularity from Burkina Faso and abroad.

Participation is free, but registration is required

Venue: La Ruche

Want to organize an ICCCtalk in your city? Contact us on Linkedin (in the comment) or write to vladimir.gumilar@sgg.si